PSA: It’s patio season, and with that comes new messaging from the State of Ohio.
We hate to be a buzz kill, but this is serious. JILLY’S (and any and all of your other favorite spots) COULD FACE HUGE FINES & LOSE ITS LIQUOR LICENSE IF YOU SMOKE POT ON OUR PROPERTY. PLEASE DON’T DO IT.
“With regard to the adult use of marijuana in a liquor permit premises, Ohio Administrative Rule 4301:1-1-52(B) states that no permit holder, his agent, or employee shall knowingly or willfully:(5) Allow in, upon or about the licensed permit premises, or engage in orfacilitate in, the possession, use, manufacture, transfer, or sale of any dangerous drug, controlled substance, narcotic, harmful intoxicant, counterfeit controlled substance, drug, drug paraphernalia, or drug abuse instrument as said terms are defined in ORC Chapter 2925. While Issue 2 legalized the adult use of marijuana, it did not change the status of marijuana as a controlled substance. Therefore the above prohibitions of OAC4301:1-1-52 are still applicable. As such, liquor permit holders who knowingly or willfully allow the use of marijuana in, upon, or about their licensed permit premises willfully allow the use of marijuana in, upon, or about their licensed permit premises are subject to administrative citation.” – Division of Liquor Control